Sunday Service

Jehovah Nissi Praise Jesus Church Service Timings
  • I Sunday  Service @ 8am – 9 am
  • II Sunday Service @ 9.15-10.15 am
  • Communion Service
    • 1st Sunday

Branch Church

  • Kottaiyur – Praise  Jesus Prayer House
    • Worship Time @ 4.00pm – 6.00pm

Praise & Worship

  • 5hrs Praise and worship every 2nd Saturday 10am – 3pm

Up Coming Events

  • Care Cells(Every Tuesday & Thursday @ 6pm)


  • Bible study Every Thursday @ 5.30pm


  • Cottage Prayer Weekly once


  • Chain Prayer Monthly once


  • Watchman(Jamakarar) prayer every 1st week Friday 6pm – Saturday 6am


Bishop John F. Aruldoss

Immanuel Aruldoss

                                  Pr.Immanuel is an anointed young preacher empowered to minister a life changing message. Through his spirit-filled preaching he has invoked change in the lives of many .Many have had encountered power and received deliverance under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. From his very young age he has started doing ministry with his father Bishop. John F. Aruldoss. He is the pastor for the church Mizpha Praise Jesus Church. His Vision is church growth he is at true servant of the lord who does purely the will of god.

Prince Daniel Aruldoss

                             He is the second son of Bishop John F. Aruldoss who is the founder of Bethel Prophetic Ministries in karaikudi. As per accepting the Heavenly calling, he finished his degree in Madurai AG Bible College in 2006 and from that he is serving the Lord as a pastor in Jehovah Nissi Praise Jesus Church at an area named Burma colony in Karaikudi.
More than 200 souls are believers in his church. He is also conducting Branch churches in Jeeva nagar, Kottaiyur which are nearby to karaikudi. Recently there is a plan with prayers to plant new church in Pudhuvayal also.
He is an awesome worship leader and Our Lord has given many new songs for him in his personal prayer. By selecting few songs he has released a new ACD named “Jeevathipathi” added with that he has also released a new message ACD named “Un Seigaiku Yetra Balan”. By the grace of the Lord, many souls have been blessed and touched by hearing his songs and received divine counsel by hearing the word of God and they have been also received spiritual blessings and firmly placed in their churches.
Continuously please pray for his ministries and for the visions in the church.

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Online FM

Jeevathipathi Vol 1 – Pr. Prince Daniel Aruldoss

Praise Jesus FM

Aarathipom Naam Aarathipom

Monday 5.30am-6am